Although chiropractors’ main method of treatment typically consists of spinal adjustment (spinal manipulation), chiropractors also employ many adjunctive therapies and applications in order to provide the most effective and efficient relief from neuromusculoskeletal disorders.
Primary Therapy
The chiropractic spinal adjustment represents the cornerstone of chiropractic treatment. Spinal adjustments are used successfully to treat a variety of different soft tissue disorders as well as a number of other health problems. Chiropractic doctors are the only health care professionals trained to deliver chiropractic spinal adjustments.
Spinal adjustments or spinal manipulation is the process of applying a quick but gentle pressure to “subluxated” vertebrae in a corrective manner. The adjustments are not and should not be painful. In fact, most patients look forward to their chiropractic adjustments as they usually provide immediate relief from discomfort and increase one’s sense of well-being. Many years of study and practice are necessary to acquire the skills of providing effective and safe spinal adjustment.
Research has shown spinal adjustments to be the most effective treatment for numerous conditions including back pain. This is because spinal adjustments correct many of the structural, biomechanical, and neurological abnormalities of the spine which cause or contribute to a high number of back, neck, and other non-spinal ailments.
Soft Tissue & Massage Therapy
There are a number of soft tissue therapy techniques which can be successfully employed to assist in the reduction of pain and muscle hypertonicity and spasm. Some of these include massage therapy, trigger point therapy, somatic therapy, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, acupressure point therapy, and rolfing. The need and benefits of these therapies vary from patient to patient. Depending on your condition and response to treatment we may incorporate one or more of these therapies into your treatment plan.
Exercise For Life
Exercise is essential for a long, healthy, and vibrant life. It has been scientifically shown to increase health by lowering blood cholesterol levels, strengthening the immune system, lowering body fat, increasing one’s sense of well-being, and increasing muscle strength, tone and function.
Chiropractors understand the importance of exercise and the essential role it plays in health. We encourage all patients to participate in physical activities which promote cardiovascular health and can assist you in finding the right activity. We do recommend those over the age of 40 or those with known health problems consult our office prior to initiating any exercise regimen.
Exercise For Injuries
Therapeutic exercises for the neck, back, and extremities are an essential part of the rehabilitative process following injury. Chiropractic doctors commonly prescribe specific strengthening and stabilizing exercises and stretch for their patients with back, neck, and extremity problems.
Exercises provide many benefits during the healing and preventative stages. Early on, exercise prevents muscle deterioration and promotes joint health. Later on, exercises increase strength, proprioception, and stability to protect from new injuries and recurrences of past problems.
Therapeutic Stretches
Therapeutic stretching is important to prevent scar tissue and adhesion formation following injury. Stretching is most effective when initiated early on in the treatment plan before scar tissues become permanent.
Maintaining a regular stretching program once the rehabilitation stage of treatment has been completed will help keep tissues flexible and loose, increasing mobility and preventing the development of new injuries.
Physical Modalities
There are some physical modalities that in certain cases can provide additional pain relief and accelerated healing. Some of these more common modalities include muscle stimulation, interferential stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, and diathermy (deep heating modality).